My 92 1/2 year old Mom would still get an obsessed quilt, gardening idea or travel plan in her mind. She would tackle it head on and not stop til she had it done. It took only 14 days after her diagnosis to her passing.
My Mom did not fight leaving but wanted to visit all her family and finalize her last ideas. She was on a mission and needed to get it done. She said her goodbyes to everyone who visited, dictated notes to those who could not and never regretted a single bit of her life.
My Mom made 2 quilts just 1 month before she knew.
My Mom went to Spirit Mt. to play the slots just 2 weeks before she knew.
My Mom had gardening plans and was waiting for the blueberries to get ripe.
The love of her family carried us all though. My Mom worked just as hard and strong on her last journey to become and angel April 20, 2009.
My Mom did not fight leaving but wanted to visit all her family and finalize her last ideas. She was on a mission and needed to get it done. She said her goodbyes to everyone who visited, dictated notes to those who could not and never regretted a single bit of her life.
My Mom made 2 quilts just 1 month before she knew.
My Mom went to Spirit Mt. to play the slots just 2 weeks before she knew.
My Mom had gardening plans and was waiting for the blueberries to get ripe.
The love of her family carried us all though. My Mom worked just as hard and strong on her last journey to become and angel April 20, 2009.
Susie, your Mom sure sounds like she was a very special lady.
She also sounds as if she was very talented and active.
I bet you've got so many wonderful memories stored away for future use.
Blessings, Audrey
oh Susie...I know that you and your family made sure to provide the very best of care for your dear mom, and also made sure to shower her with the fanfare she deserved! Your mom must have been one very special lady, and the apple didn't fall far from the tree, as you are remarkable as well as a class act, and an example to all of us daughters.
I'm so sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful, and obviously strong woman.
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