Sunday, August 2, 2009

Art and Crafting in Kodiak, Alaska

The Bonded silly silly girls. My sister in law... Mary(right) , and our good friend Annie Poirier a well known Kodiak Crafter/owner of Annie Gift's and house renter. The big cruise line ships dock here in Kodiak and many local Crafter's show and sell their art. Mary and I had this great idea that we wanted to make something and earn some money for a dinner for everyone. So at the 11th hour we made flip-flops with the cutest rick rack and decorations. We should have have had some more wine as we glued, giggled and plotted the spending of our glorious loot~!
Guess how many people in Oregon and Utah might be getting decorated flip flops for gifts~???
4~four..... But you can't take away the hours of silly girl fun we had picking, choosing and surprising Annie with our "ART".

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